
torsdag den 3. april 2014

Forår og dyr -- Spring Animals

Forår er ensbetydende med blomster og dyr , påskeliljer og kirsebær, ugler, kaniner og ....

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Spring means flowers and animals; daffodils, Japanese cherries, and bunnies, owls, and ...

  • Knapper til ugleøjne, Japanske kirsebær, påskeliljer i grå omgivelser og Piratens kanin. 
  • Buttons for woowlies, Japanese cheey tree, Daffodils in gravel and the Pirates bunny from pearls.

  •      Bier! 
         Jeg så til bierne i dag. Begge familier er meget aktive - det er sådan et ord, biavlere bruger for at beskrive bier, der godt nok ikke flyve direkte op i hovedet på en (så er de aggressive, og der skal gøres noget), men flyver nok op og rundt til at man er lykkelig for anorak med slør.
        Ud over at de var vilde, havde de bygget vildt. Bag i stadet hang alle disse tavler, heldigvis næsten helt tomme, så jeg bare kunne tage dem med mig. Det første år var jeg ikke hurtig nok til at fjerne dem, og pludselig var de fyldt med honning og det hele brød sammen i en stor klistret masse, da jeg skulle kigge til dem. Nu fik de et par fine nye rammer at bygge på, og det bør de nok skynde sig at gøre, for rapsen står allerede på spring. 

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    I tended our bees today. They are very active - a beekeeper's way of describing bees that do not go for the eyes directly (those are aggressive bees and something (a new queen bee preferably) should be done) but fly up and around, making me happy to be dressed in my new beekeeper's anorak with veil and a pair of sturdy gloves.
    The bees had also been busy building. One of the family had extended their living space in a rather unauthorized fashion. Luckily they had not yet put in any honey, so I was able to remove it all without mishaps. One of my first years with bees, I was not quick enough. The wild combs were filled up with honey, and as I opened the hive it broke up and crashed to the bottom of the hive in an avalanche of wax, honey and a few poor bees. I gave them new frames with wax foundation to build on instead, and they better get busy as bees. The rapeseed flowers are about to bloom, and they make for most of the honey in Denmark.

    • Vildbyg på det stykke træ, der lå hen over bierne. Resten faldt af, da jeg begyndte at pille ved det. 
  • Wild combs on the wood covering the bees, All the pieces broke off, as I began removing it. 

    • Bonusbillede af en glad Uglemor fra da bierne flyttede ind sidste efterår. 
  • Extra picture of a happy MotherOwl dressed in a beekeepers Anorak. This was taken last July, as the bees moved in.
  • 2 kommentarer:

    1. I love your anorak! I can now see why you feel like an astronaut when you're wearing it. Looks like you have gum boots on your feet or do you call them wellingtons? Gumboots is going to be my G post!

      1. Yes I have wellingtons (as I call them) on my feet. I do not like to get stung, and with my pants tucked into wellingtons the chances of a bee accidentally getting inside is slim. I also wear rubber gloves with cotton undergloves and a long sleeved T-shirt (sounds crazy to me) under the anorak.
        Gum boots is a new word to me, I think it migth be Australian, and sounds to me like a word-for-word translatioon of the Danish word "gummistøvle". Gummi is rubber/gum and støvle is boot.


    Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

    I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.