
fredag den 28. februar 2014

Peter Kanin -- Peter Rabbit

     I dag er der fastelavn i Piratens klasse. Han er nu ikke klædt ud som pirat, nej i år ville han jo være kanin. Så Uglemor har syet. I går aftes blev det endelig til et par kaninpoter.

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     Today is carnival at the Owlet's school. But onluy for the smallest ones. The Pirate wanted to dress up as Peter Rabbit, and yesterday MotherOwl finally finished the paws.

     Og her til morgen tog Piraten så kanintøjet på og gik glad i skole gumlende på en gulerod.
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And in the morning the Pirate dressd as a rabbit and happily jumped off to school. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. That is such a great costume! I bet the Pirate enjoyed dressing up. I wonder if he caught the school bus wearing his Peter Rabbit costume.

    1. Thank you. The Pirate liked it very much. And yes he got on the normal us through our village - we have no school bus - dressed as a bunny. In church this sunday lots of people were dressed up as well. We always dress up after mass. Then there's carnival fun with barrel bashing and eating of candy and Mardi grass buns :) You can read abou our crazy customs here:


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