
tirsdag den 23. juli 2013

I dag -- Today

     I dag lugede Uglemor aspargesbedet i haven - vi har hele fem aspargesplanter - og nød synet af denne store uglefigur. Det var Uglemors gave for ni år siden, men den blev først stillet op for et par dage siden. 
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Today MotherOwl weeded the asparagus beet (there's a grand total of five plants) and enjoyed the sigth of this owl. It was MotherOwl's birthday gift nine years ago, but it was placed in the garden olny in the past week.

    I dag var en meget varm dag. Alle Ugleboets indbyggere kravlede varme og utidige ind i Zeppelineren og sprang et kvarter senere ud i havets bølger.
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Today was a very hot day. All the inhabitants of the Owlery climbed hot and grumpy into the Zeppelin, and 15 minutes later they were swimming in the sea.

   I dag opdagede vi en sjov plante-fyr i vores have - den er afsløret... Løsning nederst på siden.
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Today we found a funny thing in the garden - what it is? Guess. The solution is at the bottom of this post. 

   I dag var den første tomat moden. Som altid var det Cheerio - den plejer at være moden til 4. juli, men i år er sommeren sen.
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Today MotherOwl found the first ripe tomato. It is an early tomato, normally the first is ripe at July 4th, but this year we had a long, cold spring. 

   I dag farvede Uglemor 100 g alpaccagarn med tagrørsblomster - det bliver lige så grønt som uld! Den første plante, der er så venlig. Garnet køler stadig af i den vidunderlige gryde
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Today MotherOwl went in the meadow and collected reed blossoms for 100 g. alpacca, hoping against all odds it would turn the same luminant green as the wool -and it did! The first plant dye ever to dye alpacca just as well as sheep's wool. The yarn is still cooling in the wonderful pot.

     I dag så vi de første gyldne halmballer blive læsset. Byghøsten er gået i gang. Vi hørte mejetærskeren i nat
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Today we saw the first golden bales of straw. The harvest has begun and barley is as always is the first to ripen. We heard the combine in the night.

   I dag så Uglemor til sine bier sammen med Ugleungerne. Vi så to smukke dronninger og æg og larver i begge stadet - hurra. 
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Today MotherOwl and the Owlets checked on the new bees. We found a beautiful queen bee, eggs and brood in both hives. So nice.

     I dag nød Uglemor duften af de nyudskårne lavendelsæber - de dufter faktisk af lavendler!
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Today MotherOwl smelled the newly cut lavender soaps. We can actually smell the lavender.

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Den underlige ting i haven er en rosengalle den er bolig for et par galhvepselarver.
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The strange thing from the garden is a moss gall, home of  larvae of a rose gall wasp.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Pudsigt, hernede synes jeg altid de tager hveden først, jeg er da først blevet lovet vårbyghalm om en måned. Men måske "I" laver vinterbyg?

    Mine tomater er stadig grønne.

    Flot ugle!

    1. Jeps landmændene her omkring dyrker vinterbyg i stor stil. Det er forfriskende med grønne marker om vinteren også, og sikkert godt for miljøet med mindre udvaskning om vinteren. Hvad skal du med vårbyghalm - flette eller reparere mønningen? Undskyld min nysgerrighed og mangel på fantasi.
      Mine andre tomater er også stadig grønne - det er det, der før Cheerio så speciel.

    2. Jeg har jo et par halvgamle ponyer på matriklen også, ud over hunde og katte.

      Vinterafgrøden her er hveden, så det forklarer forskellen i timing. Hvis det er et regnfuldt år, kan det være et problem med halmen, et år fik vi 1. oktober! Det rådner i ballerne hvis det er det mindste fugtigt.

  2. Uglemor,

    You day was full of so many lovely and interesting things!

    I love your owl in the garden. Do you have a big collection of owls? We have a collection of animals that sit outside on the path under our living room window: dogs, a cat, birds, a snail, a peacock,a mouse, two meercats! Andy was given a gorgeous metal cat for his birthday. Its head jiggles on a spring when it's touched. We decided to keep it in the house to save it from rusting.

    You live close to the sea! How lovely it is warm enough for swimming.

    1. Thank you.
      Yes I have many owls around, both in the garden and outside, the owl is my favourite animal, and I'm often gifted with owls of many kinds. We also have a sprinkling of frogs (The Writer), marsupilamis (Marsupilami of course), B-dogs, who are really wolves and a merchandise from a supermarket - we did not know, this - but the Pirate loves them. Then we have the occasional Troll (Trolli) and parrot (Big Sister).
      Are your animals symbolic or favourites, or did they just happen. I had to look up meerkats. How did they end up in Australia? I love the idea of a cat with a wiggling head. Don't let it rust.
      We love living close to the sea. The Writer grew up at the seaside, and thinks that we live far too far from the sea now - around 5 kilometres. Today the water is 20 degrees, nice for swimming

    2. Uglemor,

      My husband has always insisted he is not a pet lover. When the girls saw a metal dog in a shop they decided it was the perfect pet for Andy as it doesn't need feeding and it's quiet. From then on, we have all been on the lookout for other animals to add to Andy's collection. We usually buy him a new pet every birthday. There are no meercats in Australia. I don't know how they ended up in our collection. We probably couldn't resist them as they are so cute! We love watching the meercats warming themselves under the heat lamps at the zoo.

      5 kilometres from the sea? That sounds perfect. We rarely get to the coast. A beach holiday is a real treat.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.