
onsdag den 24. april 2013

Strikkeonsdag -- Yarn Along 24/4

     På grund af lockouten og det gode vejr har der ikke været megen tid til at strikke. Tiden er gået med hjemmeskole og havearbejde, og så de uundgåelige indkøbsture, tandlægebesøg og så videre, som bare skal overstås. Aftnerne er fyldt op med forberedelse til næste dags skole og skriverier.
      Spirillen, der stadig elsker sine hjemmestrikkede sokker - nu i sandaler til havearbejde! - synes at hans tingfinderpung var for lille. Mor altså, jeg er en STOR tingfinder. Jeg må have en større tingfinderpung. Det kunne Uglemor jo godt se logikken i, så i ventetide hos tandlægen blev der strikket lidt på en større udgave af Spirillens tingfinderpung. Den store i dette billede er strikket af noget næsten sejlgarnsagtigt meget tykt uld. Den er for grov og stiv til andet end pynt.
     Uglemors læsning er næsten udelukkende skolerelateret. Vi har lige læst Kiplings Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, der tryllebandt Ugleungerne, og fik dem til at læse højt meget længere end de ellers havde haft lyst til.

 - - - - - Strikkeonsdagsklub-LINK - Yarn Along   - - - - - Tøm Tønden-torsdag  LINK  Stash Bash

The Owlets are still home from school, as the teacher lockout is still going on. We're having a great time. But MotherOwl are not knitting a lot. School in the morning, the inevitable shopping, dentists' appointments and gardening in the afternoon, and preparation of next day and writing in the evening, leave little time for knitting.

But Marsupilami, who still wears his home knit socks - now with sandals during digging rounds in the garden! - thinks that his treasure pouch is far too small. "Mom, I'm a big treasure hunter, and I need a big pouch." That kind of logic is irresistible for MotherOwl, so during waiting time at the dentists she cast on a new, bigger treasure pouch for him. The only other real big pouch is this big one, knit from an unwieldy, cordlike giant wool yarn. It is not for practical use.

Reading is purely school related right now. We've been reading Kipling's Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, which really caught the Owlets' attention and made Marsupilami and Minimax read a lot more aloud than they would have done otherwise

  • Spirillens gamle tingfinderpung og den nye og større model på pindene. Det er samme garn og de samme strikkepinde, der er bare flere masker, og derfor også flere takker på stjernen i bunden.
  • Marsupilami's old treasure pouch, and on the needles a new, bigger one. Same yarn, same needles, only more stitches, and more points to the star at the bottom. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    My girls are treasure hunters too. Marsupilami is fortunate he has a talented mother who is prepared to make bigger pouches!

    It sounds like you are very busy but happy. Yes, there's lots to do in a homeschooling day. Like you, I leave all my own projects until the afternoon. And sometimes the only books I read are the ones I'm reading out loud. But I don't mind. It's lots of fun learning alongside my children.

    I hope the dental appointments went well. We all had check-ups too last week!

    1. Homeschool is lots of work, but also lots of fun. I'm beginning to understand why some, if not most homeschoolers stick to a curriculum. It became so much easier when I found out we could use the schoolbooks during the lock out ;) Until then I had made my own lessons from day to day.
      Dental appointments were like yours just check ups, no probles discovered. ;)

  2. I can totally see my kids asking for a bigger pouch that way! Hopefully you will be able to knit more soon.

    1. I am already done with the bigger pouch. It's an easy job, and changing all the time, which make at least me knit quicker.


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