
torsdag den 18. april 2013

Legehuset fornyes -- Renovation of our Playhouse

For snart mange år siden lavede Skribenten og Uglemor et legehus til Ugleungerne, senere malede Storesøster taget rødt og indersiden hvid og blå. Det er længe siden nu, huset er forfaldent, og der er huller i taget. Ugleungerne bad om at måtte renovere det.

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Many years ago the Writer and MotherOwl made a playhouse for their Owlets. Later Big Sister painted the roof red, and the in side blue and white. As you can see, it was a long time ago. The Owlets asked if they could restore the playhouse.

  • En romantisk ruin eller måske ikke. Ugleungerne har udset sig den som lockout-sløjd-projekt. God idé, ikke sandt. 
  • Romantic decay - or not. The Owlets choose "Repairing of the playhouse" as a lockout woodworking project. Very sensible choice. 

Først blev der ryddet ud i legehuset. Flere års akkumulerede legeting og visne blade blev fjernet. Minimax gik igennem gulvet, så det hul måtte også lappes.
Så klippede Ugleungerne alle de hindbær og brændenælder ned, der var vokset op ved siden af huset. Hindbærrene er af en stikkende, gul sort, der breder sig vildt, men smager godt. Vi har den halve have fyldt med hindbærbuske fordi de smager så godt. Fra hønsegården var humlen groet ind gennem taget.

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They began by clearing out several years accumulated leaves, playthings and forgotten gardening equipment. Minimax went through the floor. A new thing to repair.

Then they cut down all the raspberries and nettles growing outside. Those raspberries are of a very wild variety. Is has thorns, overtakes all garden in two years if allowed, and carry yellow and tasty if a bit watery berries. Half the Owlery's garden is overgrown with raspberries, yellow and red, because we all like raspberries, fresh and as jam.

The chicken coop is overgrown with hops. Some of this had grown in through roof and windows, and had to be removed as well.

  • Så er det faldefærdige tag og vinduerne væk. Piraten tester at plankerne stadig kan holde ;)
  • The leaky roof is removed, and also the broken windows. The Pirate is testing whether the construction is still sound. It did not break ;)
De startede med at tage den forfaldne side af taget af. Skruerne blev omhyggeligt samlet sammen, de kan nok genbruges. Vinduerne var helt itu, og blev også fjernet.
Minimax og Spirillen hentede planker fra en bunke omme bag huset, Så målte vi taget, og derefter målte vi planker.

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Then the Owlet removed the bad part of the roof. All the screws were put in a box for reuse later. The windows were totally bad and was carefully removed.

Minimax and Marsupilami fetched planks from behind the house, where we have a heap of old building stuff. It should have been discarded, but MotherOwl is a hoarder. Now it came in handy.

  • Minimax hjælper Piraten med at styre stiksaven.
  •  Minimax is helping the Pirate sawing in a straight line.

  Alle der havde lyst, fik lov til at måle og save.Ja også Piraten. Det gik fint, men et par af plankerne blev for korte. Det gør ikke noget, for huset skal også have en dør. Der kan de for korte planker nok komme til anvendelse.
Vi håber på mere godt vejr i morgen, for så skal plankerne sættes op på taget og måske skal der også males lidt. En ny dør og et nyt gulv står også på ønskelisten. Uglemor skal sætte vinduesrammerne i stand og sætte glas i dem igen.
Den øverste gavltrekant ind mod hønsegården var af plexiglas, men det var også helt itu. Lad os se hvad vi kan finde på der.

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A measuring tape was found and everybody who wanted to measured and cut planks with my jigsaw, Yes even The Pirate.It went well, but a few planks were cut too short. Well we're learning and the Owlets want to make a door as well, and maybe strengthen the floor as well.

We are hoping for sunshine for some days to come. We want to finish the playhouse. MotherOwl will have to fix the windows and put in new glass. The Owlets are going to put the new roof planks in place and maybe even paint the house.

What we're going to do about the upper triangle towards the hen house is not yet decided. It was covered by a sheet of Plexiglass. It has also deteriorated and broke.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Your children are very handy with tools. I can't wait to see the restored playhouse. It should look wonderful! My girls would have loved a playhouse but we never built them one. Instead, they used to play under the trees and make imaginary houses.

  2. We're trying to teach them to use tools and their heads at the same time ;) We also have our garden filled up with imaginary homes. A long time ago we felled a tree, and cut it in big pieces. These pieces are in frequent use as stools, stepping stones ... Imagination is great. Do you also have problems with them - boys and girl alike - digging holes, sometimes as traps for imaginary enemies sneaking around in the garden? I once fell down such a trap, nothing happened except for a wet shoe. Our water is very close to the surface and had collected in the bottom of the hole during the night.
    Oh, Sue Elvis. You're so good at posing questions. My answers always grow so long :)

  3. Uglemor,

    I love your long answers! Thank you for always taking the time to share your life with me.

    Yes, we have holes in our garden too, and piles of sticks and stones everywhere. Gardens can be dangerous places!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.