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mandag den 10. december 2012
Snestorm -- Snowstorm
Fotografier fra den 9. december. Vejrmeldingen lovede snestorm, det blev meget smukt, og vi kom ikke i kirke fordi vejene var fulde af sne.
Photos from December 9th. The radio promised snowstorm, and it snowed so much that we did not leave for church. It was very beautiful.
Vejen ned mod hovedvejen
Looking towards the main road.
Vores blommetræer og hybenbuske
Plum trees and wild roses in our garden
Uglemor og Spirillen gik over til gadekæret. Sommerens sankthansbål stod der endnu efter den vådeste sankt Hans i mange år.
MotherOwl and Marsupilami went to the village's pond. The rests of the bonfire is still there from the wettest midsummer bonfire in many years.
Selve gadekæret var endnu ikke helt frosset til.
The water was not quite frozen yet.
Den gamle Pilemand havde fået sne i håret.
Old Man Willow in the snow.
Trolden og Minimax laver kæmpestore snebolde.
Trolli and Minimax rolling big snowballs.
Slåen i sne
Sloe berries in snow
Den vidunderlige trappe efter at Ugleungerne er løbet op og ned ad den adskillige gange.
The wonderful stairs. Many Owlet feet have trampled the snow.
Et enkelt hyben
The last rose hip.
Den lokae kirke i mørke, tidsstemplet siger 16.47.
The local - protestant - church after nightfall, taken at 4.47 pm.
Og set nede fra markerne. Desværre blæste det så jeg ikke kunne stå stille, derfor er billedet lidt sløret.
The church seen from the fields. The blurring is caused by the wind pushing me to and fro.
Wow! The snow is so pure white and beautiful. Do you have snow ploughs clearing the roads? Will you be able to ice skate on the pond when it freezes some more?
That's what I like about the snow. When it cowers everythin the world looks so immaculate, but then the snow ploughs come clearing the roads; big vans or tractors clearing and salting the roads. We will be able to skate, but not on this pond, there's an underground wellspring coming up and keeping it unsafe. But in the nearest town theres a small lake where signs will tell us when skating is allowed/safe. It is our favourite sign, and I hope to be able to bring a photo of it later this winter.
SvarSletWow! The snow is so pure white and beautiful. Do you have snow ploughs clearing the roads? Will you be able to ice skate on the pond when it freezes some more?
Thank you for sharing!
That's what I like about the snow. When it cowers everythin the world looks so immaculate, but then the snow ploughs come clearing the roads; big vans or tractors clearing and salting the roads. We will be able to skate, but not on this pond, there's an underground wellspring coming up and keeping it unsafe. But in the nearest town theres a small lake where signs will tell us when skating is allowed/safe. It is our favourite sign, and I hope to be able to bring a photo of it later this winter.